Review: Beginning Ubuntu for Windows and Mac Users by Nathan Haines

Fellow Ubuntu Member Nathan Haines has recently published his first book “Beginning Ubuntu for Windows and Mac Users”. Nathan asked me to review his book, I couldn’t decline it. What is in it? The book is divided into six different chapters and two appendices. It was written by Nathan Haines, who is a long time Ubuntu User, Ubuntu Community Contributor and organisator of UbuCon at SCaLE. The book was published by Apress and has a length of 244 pages. ...

October 12, 2015 · 5 min · Sujeevan Vijayakumaran

Visiting bq: How bq tests and develops their devices

Recently, I got an invitation from bq for the launch of their first Android One in Spain and Portugal. The event took place in Madrid. A couple of journalists and bloggers from Germany (including me) and France were also invited for a tour through the offices and labs from bq in their headquarters in Madrid. There, they showed us some details about the development of their smartphones and how they test the hardware. While the presentation of the Android One Smartphone wasn’t that much interesting for me, the latter part of the event was even more interesting! ...

October 11, 2015 · 6 min · Sujeevan Vijayakumaran

Interview with Ronnie Tucker about Full Circle Magazine

This is an interview with Ronnie Tucker, the creator and founder of „Full Circle Magazine“. You can find the translated German article in this Ikhaya Article. Hey Ronnie, thanks for joining this interview. First of all, the most of our readers might not know you, so can you say a few words about yourself, who you are? Ronnie: Thanks for having me. I’m the editor, and founder, of Full Circle magazine which I started (on a whim) about eight years ago. ...

September 10, 2015 · 5 min · Sujeevan Vijayakumaran

Visiting FrOSCon …

Last weekend, on the 22nd and 23rd August, the FrOSCon took place in St. Augustin (next to Bonn) in Germany. It is one of the bigger Open Source Conferences and my first visit. Short summary: It was great! There were many talks, too bad there were many on talks on the same time, but luckily all talks were recorded. Personally I gave to talks: about Snappy Ubuntu Core and about Ubuntu Phone. You can watch both talks here and here, both talks are in German. Both talks had many attendees. (Here is a small photo!) ...

August 25, 2015 · 2 min · Sujeevan Vijayakumaran

Review bq Aquaris E5 - Ubuntu Edition

The second Ubuntu Phone on the market is also the second phone from the spanish manufacturer bq. The Aquaris E5 is available to buy since a couple of weeks, it’s the bigger brother of the E4.5, which was the first Ubuntu Phone. Software The bq Aquaris E5 runs the same software as the E4.5 and the Meizu MX4. I’ve covered the software features on my review of the Aquaris E4.5. Like my review of the Meizu MX4, this review will not cover all the software features. Instead, I will only mention the software features which are associated with the hardware of the E5 itself in the upcoming sections. ...

July 11, 2015 · 4 min · Sujeevan Vijayakumaran

Review Meizu MX4 - Ubuntu Edition

Since the end of June one can buy the Meizu MX4 in the EU, if you manage to get an invite. I’m in the group of the „Ubuntu Phone Insiders“ and got the device a few of weeks ago. It’s time for a review! A few months back I did a long review of the bq Aquaris E4.5. The Meizu MX4 is the third available Ubuntu Phone, next to the Aquaris E4.5 and the Aquaris E5, both from bq. The MX4 is the first device from the chinese manufacturer Meizu. ...

July 5, 2015 · 6 min · Sujeevan Vijayakumaran

Announcing Ubucon Europe 2016

A few days back we announced the 9th Ubucon 2015 in Germany which takes place in Berlin. Next year would be the 10th Ubucon in Germany and we think, we can make something special! Back in March Costales asked on Google+ a few fellow „Ubuntu Phone Insiders“ (including me), what would we think about an Ubucon Europe. While most of the people said that it would be great, nothing much happened … until now! :) ...

June 5, 2015 · 2 min · Sujeevan Vijayakumaran

9th Ubucon 2015 in Germany

This year we’re going to organize the 9th Ubucon in Germany. This time it will be held in the capitol Berlin starting on the 23th and ending on the 25th October 2015. I was a member of the organization team for the since 2013, but this year I am the head of the organisation team. We also started the „Call for Papers“. The main language is German, but we might also allow talks in English. I’m really looking forward to the event. And I’m also hoping that more people will visit the Ubucon. In the last years we had roughly 100-150 attendees. This years slogan is „Community in Touch“, which includes the opportunity of getting in touch with the community and „Ubuntu Touch“. ...

May 24, 2015 · 1 min · Sujeevan Vijayakumaran